Sunday, March 28, 2010

Collage reflection

Think Creatively!
One of the specific elements in my collage, created to draw the readers attention is in the middle left hand side of the collage. If you look closely you will notice the Sudanese flag on fire. I added this image in because I think it is a good symbolization to represent how Sudan is falling apart. Their flag is being burned and seperated. Another of the specific images is the picture towards the middle top of the collage. Two hands, one white and one black, hold the earth in its palms. I used this image to represent that this is our world,and it doesnt matter what skin color you have, we need to join together to take care of it. The last image I would like to point out is towards the far right of the collage. The image of the child being fed out of the cap of a bottle shows how desperate this situation is in Sudan, and evokes people to act.

Reason Critically!
In my collage,all the images taken from refugee camps or sudanese events show every day life or signifigant events. I tried to refrain from making factial statments, and instead relied on trying to make the viewers come to their own conclusion of the situation in Sudan. I tried to highlight some pictures that subtly showed crisis, and used a lot of symbolization. I think that in order to fully understand my collage, the viewer must be capable of making connections and exploring deeper insights.

Communicate Effectively!
My collage is meant to evoke an emotional response from the viewers. I tried not to use strong words, as to not evoke hatred and rage. But, subtle images of desperation to cause sadness greif and compassion in the viewers. My collage is not meant to provoke hatred, but merely awareness.

Live Ethically!
I believe that when viewers see my collage, and understand the images, such as the girl behind a chain, and the yound boy smelling the flower, that they will have empath when they understand the everyday life of these children and people. I think that my images show the desperation and lost hope of the people of Sudan. And that that will case viewers to wish to restore that lost hope by means of donatation or volunteering to help.

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